
ProtonMail Coupon Code: Save Up to 23% on Your Next Secure Email.

The discount is available for February 2025.

You can save up to 23% on your next ProtonMail subscription. Check out the latest ProtonMail discounts and learn how to use a ProtonMail coupon code.

How to Use a ProtonMail Coupon Code

  1. Get a Valid Coupon Code: Obtain your code from ProtonMail customer support or official promotional emails.
  2. Visit the ProtonMail Website: Go to the site and select your preferred subscription plan.
  3. Start the Signup Process: Click “Get Proton” or “Sign Up.”
  4. Enter the Coupon Code: During checkout, find the “Coupon Code” field. Enter the code accurately without extra spaces.
  5. Apply the Code: Click “Apply” to see the discount in your total.
  6. Complete the Checkout Process: Add your account details and payment information.
  7. Confirm the Discount: Ensure the code was applied before finalizing the purchase.
  8. Finalize Your Subscription: Once the discount is applied, complete your purchase to activate your subscription.

 Finding Legitimate ProtonMail Coupon Codes

ProtonMail offers discounts through coupon codes, but these are typically provided by their customer support team in special situations, like correcting billing errors. It’s crucial to be aware of scam websites that claim to offer ProtonMail coupon codes, as they often aim to steal your personal information. Stick to official ProtonMail channels to avoid these risks.

How to Stay Updated on ProtonMail Discounts

To receive news about official ProtonMail promotions, follow the company on Twitter or Facebook, where they regularly post updates. If you have questions or need assistance with coupon codes, contact the ProtonMail support team for reliable guidance.

ProtonMail Subscription Plans and Savings

ProtonMail offers a variety of subscription plans with significant discounts:

  • Mail Plus: 20% off (€3.99/month), including 15 GB storage, 10 email addresses, and support for one custom domain.
  • Proton Unlimited: 23% off (€9.99/month), with 500 GB storage, 15 email addresses, and support for three custom domains.
  • Proton Family: 20% off (€23.99/month), with 3 TB storage, up to six users, and support for three custom domains.

Each plan has a 30-day money-back guarantee for added assurance. Always verify discounts on the official ProtonMail website to ensure you’re getting the best deal.


How can I get a valid ProtonMail coupon code?

ProtonMail coupon codes are typically issued by customer support in special cases like billing errors. Avoid third-party coupon sites.

How can I stay updated on ProtonMail discounts and promotions?

Follow ProtonMail on Twitter or Facebook for the latest news on official promotions and special offers.

What ProtonMail subscription plans offer significant savings?

Mail Plus offers 20% off, Proton Unlimited offers 23% off, and Proton Family offers 20% off, with various features.